Message from the CEO

Dear Colleagues,
Dear Distinguished Stakeholders,
As Otokoç Otomotiv, while growing our business, we act with an approach that focuses on people, cares about the world and our society. That’s because our desire to create long-term and sustainable values is at the heart of our business model. Long-term cooperation based on trust that we have established with all of our stakeholders, especially our colleagues, forms the basis of our understanding. Since our establishment, our values of integrity, honesty, responsibility, trust, respect and commitment to our ethical principles have always guided our Company. The era of rapid change that we are going through, brings along uncertainties. It is of great importance that individuals and institutions take an ethical stance under any and all circumstances and take strong steps towards the future, not only for advancing our business, but also for the whole world and societies.
Wide range of sectors we are active in, our international operations in a great variety of different geographies, globalization of commercial practices; the changes that different local and international regulations require, all necessitate adoption of a universal approach. Therefore, we hope that the renewed Otokoç Otomotiv Code of Ethics and related policies will guide us all and will move us forward in the right direction.
As Otokoç Otomotiv, we aim to be the pioneer of positive transformation in the coming period by triggering transformation in the business world and society, initiating dialogue between stakeholders and being a leader for the establishment of new collaborations.
For this reason, it is of great importance to adopt the Otokoç Otomotiv Code of Ethics and make it a part of our Company's business conduct.
I would like to thank you all for the cooperation and effort you have shown to implement Otokoç Otomotiv Code of Ethics.
Kind regards,
İnan Ekici
Member of the Board of Directors and CEO